Monday, August 6, 2012

My Week

So, this past week has been down, up, fun, ironic, & educational. <----- as life is defined.

.I'm back in high school - but with way better glasses.

Down: I was given an inhaler by my doctor for my EIA. oh yea - exercise induced asthma. It's a pain in the butt - but the labels to make you feel better by stating that "Professional Athletes at Olympic level train & compete with EIA". Awesome! So EIA Inhaler = Olympic Athlete?

.the bull.

Up & Fun: Girls night at the Bull. Sarah & I got together about a month ago over a cup of joe, as she reviewed Alba Coffee for her column. We talked about what all girls talk about - How awesome Goyte's new song is & how stupidly addicting Call Me, Maybe? is. Seriously- that song is stupid but I cant turn the station. In the midst of's hard to look right, at you baby.... line dancing came up. We discovered that both of us liked to line dance but hadnt gone in years. This would be a good turning point for a date. Last Friday we went, along with my friend Ashley to the Dallas Bull. Here are the highlights:
  • Stayed up til 130am - it doesnt seem late for a bar, but I had to wake up at 6 the next morning.
  • I have the same rythmn I had in 1st grade tap class = NONE.
  • Men using Under Armor as t-shirts is grostesque. I'm glad I'm not in the dating ring anymore. I love you Husband xo.
  • I can eat a burger in 2.5 minutes - if my life depended on it or if I'm hangry.
.devouring that burger like my life depended on it. photo courtesy of Sarah VB

Ironic & Educational: I attended a health conference on THE FEMALE ATHLETE. The reason I had to wake up at 6 am. The program said breakfast & lunch provided. I think that I could add an extra couple of lines to Alanis Morissette's song:
The girls arrived at quarter to 8,
Breakfast included a danish she ate.
The talks on nutrition for the training athlete
Lunch included a full size Snickers bar to make it complete.
Isn't it ironic, don't you think

 .irony at it's finest.

Breakfast: Bagels, danishes, muffins. I had to actually go to the front desk & begged the consierge for an apple. Here's proof from my time stamped Twitter feed because I know you're thinking I'm not that health conscientious: 

Left the conference food servers to grab the apple I saw at the front desk. : serving cakes at a athlete conference.

.the paperwork from a 7 hour seminar - that's a 2 inch binder people.

It was a great conference. I learned a lot & I felt like I was back in college - which I enjoyed. I actually liked research & writing.

Oh, and I forgot AWESOME:
.what's the world coming to?.

Priests have Twitter too. I LOVE IT! Fr. Malley is a local Tampa priest ( and previously Husband's physical education instructor & teacher). Well I'm off... the FL Advisory Weather Board for Hillsborough County just informed me: "Don't Drown". I gotta go work on that.



  1. Thanks for the linkage, boo! And I can't get over what they served you at the health conference. Soda?! Really?!

  2. Love this....and NO! I hadn't read this before I emailed you!! :-) love you!!
