Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Patrick's Day

It's Saturday morning. It's St. Patrick's Day morning. Thoughts of Guinness, beads, green t-shirts, & shot glasses seem to be on everyone's mind. Mine too. But do you ever feel that what society offers is, well, blah?

This morning began with snuggles with the fur-baby - my golden retriever named Charlie.  He climbed into bed at the prompting of his mama & we laid there enjoying the cool air of our dark room. After 20 minutes, it was time to get up & embrace the day. Gotta get ready for that meeting.

I headed out to Library CoffeeHouse to meet up with Cait, LuAnn, & Brooke. The meeting went well & we have great plans for the Young Adults group at Christ the King. I ordered a Cafe con Leche - sweetened & made with soy. Cait: "the Beez Kneez" - an orangey, honey latte. LuAnn & Brooke got the "Milky Way" latte; the name speaks for itself. We were surprised with complimentary peanut buttery, chocolatey, rice crispy bites from the owners. It is a homemade recipe that Dawn makes. She's one of the owners. The owners of this quaint shop are, I think, sisters. If you ever get the chance to go - I highly recommend it.

I headed home to peruse through Facebook & catch up with friends. I came across a great article put out by LifeTeen. After reading it, I wanted to jump for joy. I am not alone. I want to say that I am neutral on the matter. I want to say that I am cool, part of the in crowd. I want to say that I am relative & "hey, kudos to you for celebrating how you want". I want to say that I am hip like that. But I'm not. Drinking to get plastered, all in the name of celebrating some "Irish guy", just doesnt sound appealing to me.

"You prude."
"You holy roller."
"You Jesus freak."
"You closed minded ass."

Yep, I know that's what you're thinking of me at this point. I know, because I've had it said to my face. I'm cool with that. No, really. I am. Here's why:

I'm a Catholic. There's a LOT of weight in that word. To some: a person who follows Christ & obeys the commands He put forth to his followers 2000 years ago. To others: a close-minded person who hides behind the crutch of "rules" made by some prophet who walked the earth thousands of years ago - of which those rules are now out of date, behind the times, & unrealistic with wants and demands of our society at large & condemns those who don't follow said rules.

I apologize if you ever felt that way. I apologize if religion has ever made you feel that way. The purpose of rules is out of love not condemnation. If you're a parent - you can relate. You put forth rules for your kids, right? Don't touch the hot stove. Don't lie. Do your homework. All these rules are out of love & for their betterment. It's not to be mean, to cause them suffering, or to make them miserable. You have rules because you love them. Don't touch the hot stove: you don't want them to burn themselves & to feel the pain of blisters or have them cry. Don't lie: You don't want them to hurt others or have others think you're child is dishonest or untrustworthy. You want others to see your kid & think of them as loving, reliable, & kind. Do your homework: you want them to excel in life - be smart, creative, & be independent. Harsh, unrealistic & unnecessary rules huh? Maybe in the eyes of your kids.

We are God's kids. He loves us. He's not sadistic. He doesn't put out rules to see us suffer, be miserable, or be in pain. He doesn't want others to think unkindly of us. He wants to love, be smart, be creative, be successful. He wants us to experience love & to love others.

Alcohol is good. It promotes community & memories are made over it. Heck, Jesus made more wine for a wedding reception when the hosts ran out for their guests. It's the excess of it that is pushing it. 

I'm not doing my job as a Catholic, as a follower of Christ, if I do not show love. I love you. I want the best for you. I want you to feel the love that I have with Christ & not to be weary of it.

You may still be thinking that I'm a close-mided ass. That's ok. I still love you.

Happy St. Pats. :)


  1. That was a pretty powerful article. While my binge-drinking days are pretty much behind me, it still did give me pause and made me think.

    And The Library CoffeeHouse is bomb! Glad you like it. The staff does a really good job of making you feel at home. :-)

    1. Lol. That article is epic. First I was like: did he just say that?! Oh no he didn't! Oh yes he did! Gotta love Mark Hart.
